1 October 2003
The National Society of Community Nurses will be hosting the 10th Biennial International Congress Sustainable Health on the 1/2/3 October 2003 at the Sandton Crowne Plaza in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The congress will focus on the need for an integrated approach to development and health, as highlighted by the World Summit on Sustainable
Development and the South African Health Policy. Crosscutting issues that impact on the attainment of optimal health for people living in Africa, and in South Africa in particular, will be examined. Innovative approaches and best practices identified by health professionals working in communities and district health services will be discussed.
The aim of the congress is to support, motivate and inform the members of healthcare teams to identify ways to prevent and control disease and to promote and maintain health. This will ensure more effective and efficient health care and contribute to the attainment of Sustainable Health in the region.
Deadline for submission of papers - 31 May 2003
Details on the congress can be obtained from
robbie.cameron@pixie.co.za or tsphexec@iafrica.com